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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner (1 zobrazeno) (1) Guest
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Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hallo and welcome to this post
My name is Sinclair, I am a 37 years old English man, unfortuantely I only speak really bad Czech even though I have living in Prague for 9 years.
I have just started taking LA Salsa lessons so am REALLY a begginer at the moment  , I have a regular partner but she is not always available so am looking for someone else who is also just starting to learn (or who does not mind a partner who is really a begginer) who would like to dance with me now and again in Prague.
For instance I was thinking of going to an open class this Tuesday, the 20th October, maybe there is someone reading this who would like to join me?
P.s I should say that I am 185 CM tall 
Poslední editace: 14/03/2010 08:07 Od koho Sinclair.
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Hana (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 3
Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hi Sinclair
and which open class do you mean exactly - where is it?
Hana (25, not a complete beginner, but don't mind that you are a beginner. However, I've got only 165 so not sure if we would be a good match for salsa...)
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hallo Hana,
Hope you are having a nice evening.
It is a place in the passage way where Vagon club is on Nardoni.... not sure of the name but I will try and find out exactly and post it here tomorrow during the dsy along with more info
P.s Not sure with the height difference either, will that make such a difference
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
P.s Forgot to say thank you for the reply 
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Hana (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 3
Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
You are welcome
Isn't it jam cafe?
Good night and let me know tomorrow.
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hi Hana and welcome to Monday, hope you are having a nice one
Yep, you are correct it is Jam Cafe, the open class starts at 20.00 and lasts for an hour costing 100 Kc, after there is a disco, more info here
Maybe would you like to join me for this one?
Hezky den,
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Hana (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 3
Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hi Sinclair, this is my phone number: 777 575 183. We can arrange for details this way. Have a nice day! H.
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 4 měsíce staré
Hola Hana,
Sorry to here you news one more time be strong..... lets try to meet next week then, I am out of Prague this w/e
I will be going to the class anyway as I REALLY need the practice
If anyone would like to join me you would be welcome...
My mobile 775 299 412
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Sara (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 2
Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 3 měsíce staré
Hi Sinclair, I am so sorry for you don´t live in Ostrava.... I am allown (she) dancer..
Take care..
Sara from Ostrava
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 3 měsíce staré
Ahoj Sara
I hope you are enjoying the Holiday's
Yes that is a shame, maybe you will come to Prague one day or I will be in Ostrava, it has been a while since I have been on Stodolni street (Infact thats where I spent last new years
Pa, Pa,
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Olga (Návštěvník)
Příspěvky: 1
Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 2 měsíce staré
Have you found a partner?
I would like to practice salsa on Saturdays (or Tuesdays).
My email is
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky, 1 měsíc staré
I'd like to go dance sometimes. I like salsa and bachata as well. But I'm just 160tall. Let me know when do u go dance
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky staré
Hi Ivana,
Thanks for your reply  Jak se Mas? Sorry for taking so long to come back to you, it has been a while since I checked this thread.....
So that you know I have taken about 4 1 & 1/2 lessons of Cuban Salsa so far this year so am just a begginer but really enjoy dancing so would be happy to go and dance with you. I hope the height difference will not be such a problem but lets see
Maybe we can try next Thursday the 4th Feb if you would like and be free then?
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky staré
Hi Sinclair,
have you got time next Friday or Saturday? It would be better for me. Rincorn is good club if you know where is it? Have a nice day
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Re:Looking for an English speaking Salsa partner 15 roky staré
Hi Ivana,
Diky a Hezky Den taki
How about this Saturday, the 30th? Yes I know Rincorn, this is where I was planning to ask if you wanted to go
I am not sure about next weekend yet, I would have to tell you mid next week if that would be ok?
For faster communication, my mobile is +420 775 299 412
Pa Pa,
P.s How long have you been dabcing for? Cuban Salsa as well?
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