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Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) (1 zobrazeno) (1) Guest
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Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 10 měsíce staré
I Heard that there is a regular bachata open class for beginers Every Wednesday in a club close to Mala Strana Starting around 18:00, maybe Someone reading this post knows about this one? I Would like to try and learn a little of this style as well
Thank you very much in advance for any help with this one
Nice Spring days,
Poslední editace: 27/03/2010 12:36 Od koho Sinclair.
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Saška (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 4
Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 9 měsíce staré
U r probably talking about dance class in Danceplanet. There were some lessons on Wednesday, but few days ago the time has been changed. They are taking place on friday. Look at the web page :
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Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 9 měsíce staré
Thank you very much, will have a look
Nice day,
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Saška (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 4
Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 9 měsíce staré
It will be better to write email or to call them because there is a possibility that they can´t open the class because of the small interest. try to and u will find a solution for sure.
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Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 9 měsíce staré
Hola! Thank you once again, have just sent them an email and will post the results here
Nice days,
P.s And very nice English 
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Saška (Uživatel)
Příspěvky: 4
Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 9 měsíce staré
U r welcome, good luck  . Let us know how it turnes out.
And off topic : thank u, it has been a long time since I last use my speeeeecial language skills 
have a nice day too
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Administrátor zablokoval přístup pro neregistrované.
Re:Bachata open class info - Can you help :) 14 roky, 8 měsíce staré
Just to say thx for the tip once again and to all who may be interested, I have found out that they have a regular Bachata Open course @ Manes each Friday from 20.00 to 21.00, the course will run untill the end of June, the cost is 200 Kc Per person for the hour,
Nice Days,
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